Common sleep disruptors like caffeine, blue light, and noise can worsen insomnia. Learn practical ways to avoid these triggers for improved sleep.
Stress often leads to insomnia. Learn how to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and mindfulness to improve sleep quality.
Racing thoughts can prevent sleep. Discover mental relaxation techniques like mindfulness and visualization to help clear your mind and treat insomnia...
Social anxiety can interfere with daily activities. Learn practical tips to handle social interactions, reduce discomfort, and build confidence in pub...
Music therapy can relax both mind and body. Explore how listening to specific genres or frequencies can reduce anxiety and promote emotional well-bein...
Poor sleep can worsen anxiety. Learn strategies for improving sleep quality, such as relaxation techniques and creating a nighttime routine, to allevi...
Nitesh Ratnakar MD FACG is a gastroenterology specialist in Elkins, WV and has 26+ years experience. He is affiliated with Wheeling Hospital and Davis...
Progressive muscle relaxation is an effective technique to release physical tension caused by anxiety. Learn how to practice this method for immediate...
Magnesium plays a crucial role in regulating sleep. Learn how to incorporate magnesium-rich foods or supplements to support better sleep.